Friday, July 24, 2015

A Zeura fight at an asteroid belt against a Brave Newbies frigates and destroyers fleet.
Four "brave" men against 15 braves.

Pilots involved
Lance Corillia - Schyte
Fresco Aideron - Exequror Navy
Fuzzbump - Rapier
Mark Yanning - Curse

Monday, January 26, 2015

Some Zeura stats

Recently we had more Zeura fleets, more kills and more fun.
Here some funny stats from the killboard.

We are actually the third corp in Alliance in terms of number of kills in the last 7 days (an average of 24 kills per day).
We often join the Null sec fleets (Ishtars, inties, sbs) but we are even back sometimes in low sec for our meeting with Eve-Uni (Uphallant?) and with some FW pilots/small gangs. We still love frigs and some other special ships that I can't mention.

Zeurian, we really have so many fleet opportunities. For Zeura!

Here some other "all time" statistics. Tristan is our first ships for number of kills, but that because the frigs tourney in Basgerin where Mark's and Ulric, in Tristans, got like 600-700kills. The high slicer and Incursus position I bet is again Mark fault. Stacmon is our top kills system, third Uphallant, fourth is still our sweetie old home: the warm system of Pain. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Some pics from Zeura album

Some pics from our album. Enjoy.

Fat man, very fat man

Visiting a POCO


Look at that small beautiful Rupture

What's this?

After a frigate fight, almost, almost dead

Some intel from Reynire, Placid Region

This pic was from a Redemption Road fleet, we were jumping bridge a Velators fleet... with a Titan

Friday, August 15, 2014

An happy evening with a Vigilant encounter

Here some of our last adventures. A kill of a poor Venture (actually we didn't want to kill him, it was a mistake) and a Vigilant killed by our armor cruiser fleet. Then you'll find some random fight; one against a very tanky Arbitrator tackled by a kiting Tristan and a fight inside a small plex against three T1 frigs.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Zeura Brotherhood, a world of adventure

Here our Zeura ad of 15 seconds for the incoming EVE TOURNAMENT. 

- low sec life
- freedom
- friendship
- PvP small gang