Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tournament results. The winner is Drake Arson

Drake Arson -winner of Zeura tourney-
Thanks to all you guys the tournament was a success. Everything has worked fine and I think we all have enjoyed it. We have made first rounds with fights until structure. Every win was a 3 points. At the end of the rounds the first 4 pilots passed to semifanals, and then the final. The last three fights were until death.


Drake Arson (Tristan) - winner - True Slave
Peter Delasangre (Condor) - finalist -True Slave
Perfecto Ignori (Tristan) - semifinalist - Zeura
Onslaughtor (Kestrel) -semifinalist - True Slave
Casius Falco (Kestrel) - first round - Zeura

p.s. a big thanks goes to True Slave Foundations that has joined the tourney and to Tiberious who has protected us during the tournament time.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Second Zeura Tourney. Frig 1vs1. 26 of April at 18:30 Eve Time

A previous Zeura tourney
Hi all guys,

We are going to organize the “Second Zeura frigates tournament”.

The prize for the winner is Frigate Navy Issue (the winner will choose which one), plus a special medal awarded to the bravest pilot, the only one that will survive to the fights. To be in the tourney pilot has just to make a payment fee of 1 million at "Zeura Brotherood" with reason payment “Tourney fee”. We need it to see how many we are and organize the rounds.

When: The Tournament is schedule for Friday, Aril 26. We’ll meet at 18:30 Eve time. Combat will begin at 19:00. The combat ring will be in Pain, Placid region (Low sec). Any combat outside the ring is forbidden during the tourney time.

How. Here is the tournament formula and rules.

- Everybody can fly only just a tech I frigate. No faction frigs. **Everybody has to prepare two frigs for the tourney, ready to fight in chase of "double" rounds. The two frigates can be different and have different fitting.
- Pilots can fit only tech I modules, with any meta level. Is admitted only tech 1 ammos, drones (no faction ammos). Is admitted just tech 1 rigs.
- After a round the winner is admitted to dock just to refill ammos, repair the armor, hull and modules damaged. Is admitted to change a module just if it is completely broken. You can change it with one of the same type.
- Every pilot will fight in 1vs1 match formula. With eliminatory rounds. The winner of every round will go forward in the tourney. Until we have 2 pilots for the final.
- Fights will be until death. Victory is achieved  by the pilot who blow enemy ship. Pod killing is forbidden.
 - Every round of the tournament will be fight at a safe spot, the fighters will be called at the right 
time from the judge to warp to him. Pilots can decide at which range warp to the judge between 0 to 30 km.
 - Then the judge will target both ships, will control them modules scanning. And finally, he will give the signal to start the fight (typing on chat first “ready?”, then “go”). The fighter can’t go more than 100 km away from the judge, otherwise he will be disqualified. If pilot will start shooting before the signal of the judge, he will be disqualified.
- The fight will be broadcast on an online channel
- Other fighters should wait to the call docked in Core Complexion, in Pain. Or just outside the station.
- If participants of the tourney will shoot other ships in the tourney time, outside of the battlefield, then they will be disqualified.
Medal for the winner
Fly safe

Mark Yanning

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wormhole adventure

We are hunters of treasures and rare systems. Our last adventure started in low sec when one of us scanned a Wormhole. I went there checking and discovering it was a C1 class. At a first sight J103151 appeared without residents, with plenty of anomalies and signals. Then, I decided, just with my Myrmidon, to remain inside for a while and get as much as I could, dealing with sleepers. Meantime Perfecto, a new explorer member of Zeura, decided to join me in a shiny Ishtar.

Perfecto Ignori, Zeura explorer
We stayed in the Wh three days. We had nice time in it and mostly we did solo, some in fleet for different Eve time, many combat sites, some radar and magnetometric sites. Suddenly we discovered we were not lonely. Combat probes were around on dscan trying to get us. We decided to hide activating our cloaking devices.

Then, we found an exit to low sec. Fuzzbump reached us coming in piloting a Legion, but due to the unknown presences we decided to retire at home. We jumped in the Wh leading in low sec finding our self 30 jumps away from home. We did the low sec route with the cargo full of treasures and we managed to reach high sec and then a main market hub, Dodixie. We sold items for a total value of almost 450 million. We did it.

Mark Yanning

Wormhole approaching
Myrmidon and Ishtar in the Wh
Myrmidon and Fuzzbump's Legion
Wh picture
Nice lights
Perfecto's Ishtar
Loot of one pilot

A medal for the explorers
Qutoe -- “Here we are.” Barnaby announced to his three preoccupied companions.

  “That was so awesome!” Sebastian burst out as soon as he realized it was over.

  “You’re telling me!” exclaimed Paul.

  “What just happened?” Lynn asked.

  “We went through the wormhole or portal as I sometimes call it. It is how one travels through to other dimensions.” Barnaby replied as if it were any everyday experience. “It is a much more efficient way to travel, let me tell you. You see, time is parallel rather than linear. That is to say, there is no time. Everything is now.”

   At this point, Lynn was just about ready to believe anything. “O.k. if you say so.”