Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hunting a Caracal Navy, but... where are the russians?

We noticed a Caracal Navy Issue ratting (pilot Pro100 Nyasha) close to our homebase. It was a quite new pilot, probably PvE fitted. Then one of our tackler landed with him at a belt and pointed him. But he was stabbed and warped off, docking at a station. He had a killright activable, so we wanted her to undock.

Pro100 Nyasha > ublyudok suka
Pro100 Nyasha > Casius Falco  what do you need ?
Casius Falco > you keep shooting my rats
Casius Falco > So go rat somewhere else
Pro100 Nyasha > I dont shoot you ... are you crazy ? )
Mark Yanning > he is the rats lord..
Casius Falco > Those are my rats!
Casius Falco > Go shoot them in another system
Mark Yanning > you can't touch them without pay a fee
Pro100 Nyasha > what ?
Gartrox > Right, and to pay the fee, you must undock
Pro100 Nyasha > ppppfffffffff )))
Pro100 Nyasha > ohhh... guys you are crazy....
Casius Falco > Well. we'll consider not shooting you if you just leave the system

Then he started threating us talking about some strange russians fleet...

Pro100 Nyasha > no I dont leave the sistem !
Pro100 Nyasha > you leave the sistem
Pro100 Nyasha > or all of you will pay me
Pro100 Nyasha > no dialogs whith the terorist !Pro100 Nyasha > wait for my team )))
Pro100 Nyasha > russian guys in coming.... ))) then we will talk )
Pro100 Nyasha > I will pay 500 kk to kill oll of you )
Pro100 Nyasha > they are coming ))))
Casius Falco > Are they close?
Pro100 Nyasha > wayt for a sec... I talk with some russian corparations.... they told me: "we will destroy all of them + oll bases" = ) I will pay 800 000 000
Casius Falco > Wow,
Pro100 Nyasha > yea
Casius Falco > Tell you what, pay us half and we'll leave you be
Pro100 Nyasha > they could do it for free ... but I dont want this... so I will pay... not much but it will fan )
Pro100 Nyasha > We kill you all dont you realy understend what sheet is haping?

Then we were bored and we all left the system. After 5 minutes I was back in that system and she was ratting again. I landed at belt at 55km to her.. but she warped off again and docked. After some minutes of hunting we finally catched that Caracal Navy with a dual point Ares.

Caracal Navy Kill

Just after the kill
Mark Yanning > where are the russians?
Pro100 Nyasha > good deam you all
Mark Yanning > see you in pain


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