Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mission L4 in Jun, shining Scorpion Navy Issue in action

We made a nice L4 mission in Junsoarert. Casius has deployed his wanderful Scorpion Navy Issue, faction Caldari battleship.

Casius Falco's Scorpion Navy Issue
Drone repairing pit stop

Exploration in Alachene

We had a good exploration trip in Alchene. We have found a rare magnometric site and salvage 1 tech 2 rig blueprint. Members involved in exploration: Sybian Silk, Ino Pig, Mark Yanning.

Sybian's stabber and Mark's Imicus
Tech II Blueprint copy (2 runs) found in a magnometric site

Ino's Thorax

Friday, December 21, 2012

Alachene battles

Sybian's Stabber

Recently we went to Alachene (0.3) as a low sector to make some PvP experience. We get involved in some battles following the precious advises of Fuzzbump and his friend Ambrosio Wolf.

We have managed to blow a Pilgrim (tech 2) and recently a strong Myrmidon. The balance of killboard corp is strongly positive (as you can see).

We just have lost three ships (I left back in battles a Vexor and a Thorax) and in these three weeks of fighting we are beginning to "liberate" Alachene. Me and Sybian have been attacked in a system close to Alachene, Elarel, by a strong pirate: Maxemus Payne. In case you meet him or you just see him in local try to avoid the battle if you are not in fleet or in a strong group (with Fuzz or Ambrosio Wolf).

In these days of battles a certificate of merit goes to Sybian. He have fought two hard battles going two times so close to loose his Stabber and, at the end, he managed to leave the battle safe and sound.

Take care, fly safe

Mark Yanning

Informal Alliance with Lorraine Fontenot and her corp

Lorraine Fontenot, CEO of Allied Management Production And Development
Hi all guys,

Thanks to Fuzzbump we have signed an informal alliance with "Allied Management Production And Development" corp. The Ceo Lorraine Fontenot was very grateful to Fuzzbumb because he have taken care of a questionable pilot that interrupted them mining operations.

So with this alliance we have decided to help each other in chase of war and exchange some products we produce. (We can give them some of our destroyers and we'll receive some minerals or other products in exchange). Our new ally can use a freighter and they will be happy hauling items for us if we need.

These benefits will be mutually shared and our corps friendship can help to secure Junsoarert as a friendly sector and perhaps become a profitable trade hub.

Take care and fly safe

Mark Yanning

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Surprise during mining duty

Me and Casius were mining in fleet in Junsoarert. Casius was flying his shining new Mackinow when suddenly a player, with a frigate and a "skull" on him, entered in space starting targeting us.

The "bad boy" called SirAceRogers starts shooting Casius with some strange missile balls. Casius warped away in few seconds trying to save his Mackinow. I warped as well with my exhumer thinking the one was attacking us was just a lonly "pirates" or a "suicide gank".

We quickly came back in that Asteroid belt flying a cruiser and a destroyer: we wanted to blow that guy who broke our mining peace. Strangely Casius did not get an "aggression time". Then we checked on local: everybody was scared of a guy that approached miners in Junsoarert. He was launching "snow balls" with the new Christmas CCP gift: the festival launcher. Weird things happen in Eve.

Mark Yanning - Founder, Ceo Zeura of Brotherhood -

Casius Falco's Mackinow

Casius Falco's Mackinow
Festival Launcher... no dps

The new ammo in Eve: Snowballs

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A day in Junsoarert

Mining in Junsoarert

Ino's Retriever

Ino's Thorax during L4 mission

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New members are welcome

Zeura Brotherhood is growing. We welcome our two new members: Fuzzbump and Emersonne.

Just few word about Fuzzbump: he came from 0.0 sector and he got a huge experience in PvP.  He was looking for a more "closely-knit" group of people to hang out with.

Fuzzbump can fly even a splendid ORCA, T2 battlecruiser. I'm sure u already have met him.

Enjoy guys and fly safe

Mark and Fuzzbump in L4 Missione
Fuzzbump's Orca

Monday, December 10, 2012

Zeura Brotherhood, Angel Extravaganca L4

Angel Extravaganza L4 mission. Mission ended without any problems by Mark Yanning, Sybian Silk, Ino Pig. Ships: Megathron, Hurricane, Thorax.

Sybian and Mark approaching enemy

Ino and Sybian engaging enemy with 5 hobogoblin II

Blowing enemy

Mark's Megathron

Sybian's Hurricane shooting projectiles

Ino Pig's Thorax

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Zeura Brotherhood members in Mission L4

Mission Level 4 in Junsoarert. Fleet members: Mark Yanning, Ino Pig, Sybian Silk, Casius Falco.

The Sybian's Hurricane, Ino's Vexor and Mark's Megathron

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Zeura Brotherhood, corp titles and ranking

Militia ranking

Admiral of the Fleet -  To earn this title pilot has to prove braveness and skills in combat. He has to pass throught all the titles above. With at least 1000 kills in service of Zeura.

Commodore – After at least 12 months in the corp. Awarded to those who go beyond the call of duty in the preservation of the corporation's safety, productivity, and well-being. The pilots has to show ability to lead fleet wisly, limitating the looses and gaining kills. He has to reach the goal of 500 kills in corp.

Commander - After at least 12 months in the corp: the pilot has to show skills in combat and leading fleet. He has to prove his value and braveness in the fog of war. Pilot must fly a Battleship tech II fully fitted and he needs to have 250 kills in corp.

Captain- After at least 6 months and 200 kills in corp and 10 solo kills. The pilot has to show skills in combat and know how to move in low/null sec without risk dangers. Pilot needs to have fought in at least one Corp war. Pilot must fly a Battlecruiser fully fitted with t2 and prove his knowledge of drones system.

Lieutenant - After at least 6 months in corp and 100 kills reached. Pilot needs to prove his ability flying a Cruiser hull fully fitted with T2.

Ensign - After at least 3 months in corp, pilot has to show attitude to combat and has to fly a combat ship reaching at least 50 kills in corp and after have scored a first solo kill in the same hull class of the enemy. (for instance frig vs frig).

Officer - After at least 2 months in the corp, pilot has to prove his respect and wise behavior toward corp members. Title is earned when the pilot reached 30 kills.

Political Ranking  
Diplomat - Is a main politician role in Corp. He has the ability to negotiate peace and interact with other corps and alliances. 

Consul - Is a member very close to CEO and he has proved his loyalty and respect for the Corp and members. He gives advices about politics and the Brotherhood's develepment.

Exploration Ranking  
Dark ranger – Is a member with high specialization in probe searching and cloaking. Pilot has to prove knowledge and experience of unknown systems. The pilot has to pass through at least one wormhole, exploring that and come back safe. He needs to pilot a tech II Cover operation frigate   

Production Ranking 

Production officer – Pilot must prove his abilities to mining with Exhumers, producing items and ships from Blueprint.

Scientist - The member has to prove high knowledge in invention, blueprint copy and innovation.

All the titles are awarded at discretion of CEO and Zeura directors

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Zeura Brotherhood

Zeura Brotherhood is a free league of new people of Eve alongside with veterans, mostly mature pilots that are used to help each other. We decide to mantain an office in high sec for new and unexperienced capsulers. Our high sec headquarter is in Junsoarert, Everyshore. We believe in freedom and personal improvement to create a strong and versatile brotherhood. We belive that throught pain and mistakes you can became a better pilot.

- PvP, training of new pilots
- Low sec, agile small fleet gangs
- some PvE, exploring, for Isk
- Cruiser fleets with a specific doctrine

a young Mark Yanning, CEO of Zeura
If u want to apply u can contact CEO and founder Mark Yanning or send a private message to Fuzzbump, director and recruiting officer. Will be appreciated a quick pilot presentation. Your application will be processed as soon as possible.